We generally prefer bigger ponies (13hh plus) who can be ridden by a range of ages and abilities so they enjoy a better life with more variety. Some of our ponies go out competing and to the beach as well as taking part in gymkhana games and our own competitions. We have 12 ponies for children and small adults too. Some of our ponies may be available to buy and others stay for life! We have a few pictured on our website and many pictures on our Facebook page too.
Meet Cheston’s Pony team

RIP Sherry. Her picture will always stay here on our site as she was our first Centre pony, gifted by Sharon, previous owner of Cheston. Shezza was born in 1986 and lived nearly 30 years! Our old lady was enjoying her work right to the end representing all that we look for in an ideal beginner to confident/novice’s pony, she was great on the lead rein, lunge, loved to canter and pop a little jump. Sherry has given many children their first experience of canter and never needed kicking on, she was voice trained so the instructor commanded her for children who needed to hold on. Super Saint Sherry was a favourite and well loved by us all.

Hector is a favourite with more capable older children and small adults who enjoy a younger horse. Hector is being educated and enjoyed by all riders and has trips out to shows (here with Sophie at age 4) and beach to widen his experience. He is a super member of the Moor hacking team. Hector may become available to sell one day if we can bear to part with him.

A stunning chestnut pony with a flaxen mane and tail. Sunny is a super jumping pony ridden by any child or adult although he is strong and bouncy! Sunny specialises in jumping anything up to 3ft. Sunny has been a BSJA Pony and we take him out competing too

Ivy is a firm favourite often winning the ‘best pony’ vote largely for being so pretty. With a flowing black mane and tail and a sensitive disposition, she is super fun and sensible enough for lead rein children and then for better children who can enjoy her speediness!

Bodmin came to us as a very wild 3yo feral stallion from Bodmin Moor. Sophie spent many hours developing a rapport using various natural horsemanship techniques until he was ready to join our team. He is currently on loan having a well deserved break from this job after a few years of school work.

Steadier and speedier coblets
Loveable cuddly little cobs: Eddie, Ernie, Archie. The hairy legged traditional cob team vary from 13hh to 14.2hh. These ponies can be steady and sedate to hack out or blast along if required. They always appreciate lots of grooming with their long manes, tails and feathered legs.

Billy, Bella, Joey, Ivy, Tilly and Razz
Our sporty pony team can whizz about on Dartmoor or pop a fence for confident capable children who enjoy ponies with higher revvs! Light teenagers also enjoy jumping courses on these keen beans. All are quiet enough for lead rein kids and can enjoyed by small adults too.

A pony with pretty boy show ring looks and super nature. Razz does confident lead rein riders and our more advanced child riders and smaller adults. He is quite an educated pony and can be quite speedy!
Occasionally we have horses and ponies for sale, we also hear via ‘the equine grapevine’ of various horses and ponies for sale locally or may be ready to let one of ours go.
In our lessons, we can give you advice on viewing and purchase to help you find that dream horse. We offer individual consultation courses on how to wisely and carefully go about horse purchase in ways that could save you a lot of money and heartache! Contact us to find out more.